Horehound leaves
Horehound also spelled hoarhound is a bitter perennial herb from the mint family. The leaves and flowering tops are used as flavouring for beverages and candies, and infusions or extracts of horehound in the form of syrups, teas, or lozenges are sometimes used in herbal remedies for coughs and minor pulmonary disturbances.
Horehound also spelled hoarhound is a bitter perennial herb from the mint family. The leaves and flowering tops are used as flavouring for beverages and candies, and infusions or extracts of horehound in the form of syrups, teas, or lozenges are sometimes used in herbal remedies for coughs and minor pulmonary disturbances.
Horehound also spelled hoarhound is a bitter perennial herb from the mint family. The leaves and flowering tops are used as flavouring for beverages and candies, and infusions or extracts of horehound in the form of syrups, teas, or lozenges are sometimes used in herbal remedies for coughs and minor pulmonary disturbances.