Nigella seeds (Kalonji)
Also known as black onion seeds, nigella seeds or kalonji seeds are part of the black cumin family. Kalonji is used in tempering as it adds a beautiful aroma and a hint of flavour that you can’t quite nail. Kalonji is used in curries, dal, stir fried vegetables, and savoury snacks like samosas. Kalonji has many health benefits and has been known to aid in weight loss as well.
Also known as black onion seeds, nigella seeds or kalonji seeds are part of the black cumin family. Kalonji is used in tempering as it adds a beautiful aroma and a hint of flavour that you can’t quite nail. Kalonji is used in curries, dal, stir fried vegetables, and savoury snacks like samosas. Kalonji has many health benefits and has been known to aid in weight loss as well.
Also known as black onion seeds, nigella seeds or kalonji seeds are part of the black cumin family. Kalonji is used in tempering as it adds a beautiful aroma and a hint of flavour that you can’t quite nail. Kalonji is used in curries, dal, stir fried vegetables, and savoury snacks like samosas. Kalonji has many health benefits and has been known to aid in weight loss as well.